
Alter egos

Who said ordinary people can't live an extraordinary life?

Both business & creative outlet

I’m a woman of many interests. That’s why I’ve created The ordinary ecosystem, aka different digital identities that I’m using online. Each one of the 7 below persona is a real facette of me. I’m also the only human behind all of them (hence a slight physical ressemblance 😉). Through them, I’m creating all sorts of products & content that I’ve carefully worked on. Since all of this ecosystem is a one-woman-show, I can take a while to come up with different items per alter ego; I prefer quality over quantity. But life is a marathon. This ecosystem is meant to be an everlasting work in progress.

Meet my 7 alter egos below + a few marketing nuggets to clarify their positioning (the complete brand strategy deck I’ve created is confidential 🤫).

The ordinary talent
The ordinary talent

FOR WHO? B2B (companies, agencies, startups). Marketing professionals. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? Curated solutions for an extraordinary business. HOW? Consulting, courses & tools for marketing superstars. The ordinary talent is also the registered name of my company. Every single of the below persona & what is produced under their name also belongs to The ordinary talent company.

The ordinary parent
The ordinary parent

FOR WHO? B2C. Parents of 0 to 6 years old kids. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? Be the parent you wish you had. HOW? Tools & content to navigate parenthood with ease.

The ordinary globetrotter
The ordinary globetrotter

FOR WHO? B2B & B2C. Tourism professionals, travel enthusiasts & expats. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? Make the world your oyster. HOW? Tools & content to safely welcome and travel the world.

The ordinary student
The ordinary student

FOR WHO? B2C. High school & university students. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? Straight-A student minus panic. HOW? Motivation & organization tools for academic success.

The ordinary reader
The ordinary reader

FOR WHO? B2C. (Busy) self-improvement believers. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? Be the smartest cookie in the room. HOW? Audio & workbooks to access years of wisdom in a few minutes.

The ordinary ad
The ordinary ad

FOR WHO? B2B. Brands I use. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? From meh to love brand. HOW? UGC & rebranding creative playground.

The ordinary human being
The ordinary human being

FOR WHO? B2C. Persona based on product/content created. WHAT’S THE PROMISE? We all need a creative outlet. HOW? Good products speak for themselves.

Copyright © 2024 (EI) The ordinary talent